July 2 SREA Newsletter

Independence Day is almost here!

In a few days, we will celebrate the adoption of the Declaration of Independence 241 years ago on July 4, 1776. This moment in time signified the beginning of a change in the New World in which colonists would begin to take control of their lives by breaking free from the status quo and find new ground in which their interests would be given proper consideration. While the circumstances certainly are very different, teachers in Santa Rosa County School District currently have the opportunity to make history by taking action to cast off the current bargaining agent and begin to experience positive CHANGE.

Last Tuesday, ballots for the Santa Rosa teacher representation election were mailed out from the Public Employees Relations Commission (PERC). The following Q and A should answer most questions, but please feel free to send us an email, call, or contact us on Facebook with additional questions or if you need clarification.


What is this election about?
The Santa Rosa Education Association petitioned the state to conduct an election to challenge the current bargaining agent, SRPE, to obtain bargaining rights for teachers. Should Santa Rosa EA garner the most votes in the election, it will become the certified bargaining agent going forward. Teachers can vote for CHANGE (Santa Rosa EA), the SAME (SRPE), or no union at all.

Who is eligible to vote?
All teachers who were active employees in SRCSD as of May 18, 2017, regardless of current employment status, are eligible to vote. Additionally, you need not be a member of either Santa Rosa EA or the other organization to vote.

When is the balloting period?
Ballots were mailed out June 27th and completed ballots must be returned to PERC in Tallahassee by July 25th to be counted.

How will voting take place?
Teachers will receive a ballot packet at their home addresses (on file with the District as of May 18th) soon after June 27th. Instructions, a ballot, a ballot envelope, and a postage-paid return envelope will be provided. Teachers must have their ballots back at PERC in Tallahassee by 10 am Eastern on Tuesday, July 25th in order to be counted in the final tally. Teachers are strongly encouraged mail in their ballots by Saturday, July 22nd.

Will anyone know which way I vote?
No. Teachers who vote will first place their ballots into an unmarked envelope and seal it before placing it into the mailing envelope. When PERC conducts the tally, representatives will break open the mailing envelopes and separate them from the sealed ballots. This process will be monitored by observers from Santa Rosa EA as well as the other organization and/or the District if desired. Nobody, including PERC, the District, or either organization will know how you voted.

What if I didn’t get a ballot packet?
If you believe you are an eligible voter and have not received a ballot in the mail by July 5, 2017, or if you want your ballot to be mailed to an address other than your home address, currently on file with your employer, communicate immediately with the Public Employees Relations Commission, Suite 300, 4708 Capital Circle, Tallahassee, Florida 32303, (850) 488-8641.

For years now, opportunities at the bargaining table, in Tallahassee, and with the School Board have been squandered by narrow vision, entrenched leadership, and a knack for choosing the wrong battles too often. Hundreds upon hundreds of teachers signed cards to petition for this election to provide over 1900 Santa Rosa teachers the opportunity to create an altogether different organization. This is our chance to CHANGE the backward slide in our compensation, regain the respect we deserve as professionals, and find ways to work with the school community to strengthen our voice. If that’s what you want, then let’s create our own Independence Day from the status quo!

If you are tired of the status quo, then obviously it is time for change.
If you want CHANGE

Ed Support, YOUR election has been scheduled!

Just this week, PERC announced that the election for Ed Support employees to likewise choose a new bargaining agent will begin next month. On Monday, August 21st, ballots will be mailed to employees’ home addresses. These are to be completed and sent back to PERC for tallying on September 21st. Finally, our critical Ed Support employees will have a chance to choose CHANGE and not more of the same! Stay tuned!