February 4, 2018
Local News
Santa Rosa EA prepares for Ed Support bargaining!
Members of the Santa Rosa EA Ed Support bargaining Committee have been meeting to review the current contract and discuss issues in preparation for upcoming negotiations with the District. Be on the lookout, Ed Support, for a bargaining survey which will be sent via email. The Committee already is talking with the District to schedule the first session as early as the end of February. Stay tuned!
Join Santa Rosa EA Now, Pay Later!
With constant attacks on public education and unions like HB 25, there has not been a better time to become a member of Santa Rosa EA. Santa Rosa is providing several options now that we have secured payroll deduction for dues collection. The following 4 options are available:
- Payroll deduction, using “Join Now, Pay Later”: Deduct you dues from your monthly paycheck beginning in March. Legal service protection will become effective 30 days after your first dues payment with this option.
- Payroll deduction without “Join Now, Pay Later.” If you need legal service protections to begin sooner, deduct your dues beginning with the first paycheck after your enrollment.
- Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT): Deduct your dues from your checking or savings account.
- Switch from EFT to Payroll Deduction. Opt for no interruption in legal service protections, or opt for “Join Now, Pay Later” and your legal service will resume 30 days after the first payroll dues deduction.
State News
Choo Choo… Here’s comes the Education Train
On Wednesday the House Appropriations Committee heard HB 7055. HB 7055 was originally filed as a 109-page Proposed Committee Bill (PCB) on Tuesday, January 23rd. At the same time the bill was released, it was added to the Education Committee agenda and heard on Thursday, January 25th. Chair Bileca promised members of the committee that the bill would be properly vetted in committees and given ample time for review, but clearly that isn’t happening.
Late Friday evening, a little over 24 hours after the bill was filed as HB 7055, a 198-page proposed committee substitute (PCS) amendment was filed. The PCS was referred to one committee of reference, and was heard in the Appropriations Committee exactly 8 days after the original concept was introduced. It doesn’t seem possible but the PCS included even worse policies such as HB 1, the “Bully Voucher,” and singled out specific unions for decertification – reminiscent of HB 25 – that represent “instructional personnel” only – meaning teachers, paraprofessionals and other employees who directly work with students.
FEA President Joanne McCall took to the podium to denounce this attack on Florida’s public school students and the teachers and Ed Support personnel who serve them. Rep. McGhee remarked, “The real question is why are we bullying those in our education system? Why are we bullying the FEA? Why are we bullying our teachers?” He called this bill a government bailout and that it’s happening on the backs of our children, our educators and our communities. Rep. Dubose talked about the Bully Voucher and said “we’re setting up a narrative where we have to pick a side – the bully or the victim. I’m for the child.” And Rep. Stark, when talking about all the provisions included in an education train, “Union busting has no place in this bill.” It will come as no surprise that the proponents of this bill include Jeb Bush’s Foundation, Charter School corporations, and voucher providers.
HB 7055 passed by a party-line 20-8 vote in it the only committee it will be heard – and has already been placed on the House agenda for full consideration next week.
You know it’s ironic. The Speaker’s number one priority this session (HB 1) is couched as protecting victims of bullies. But it isn’t supported by legislators or stakeholders. In a shameful move, the Speaker has threatened to hold the education budget hostage unless he gets his way. The Speaker, who claims to want to help children who are bullied, is acting as one of the biggest bullies this process has ever seen. He plans to bully legislators into voting for this universal voucher that does nothing to address bullying. He’s going to bully teachers and Ed Support who are standing up to him by trying decertify their unions. And worst of all, he’s going to bully school kids by holding $8 billion of taxpayer dollars hostage and refuse to fund public education if HB 7055 doesn’t pass.
We need your help! Please take a moment to contact your legislator and tell them to VOTE NO on HB 7055. Let’s send a clear and decisive message that we won’t be bullied by Speaker Corcoran and House legislators shouldn’t be bullied into taking this bill full of bad ideas, either.
National News
7 Simple Steps to a Digital Detox
If educators are going to preach to our kids to be less dependent on technology in their daily life, then we should model balanced digital habits ourselves.
Nebraska educators aim to recruit more teachers of color and more males into the profession.
Remember, the Big Picture Matters!
Santa Rosa Education Association
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