Happy Labor Day!

Labor Day was established in 1894 as a federal holiday to honor the struggles and triumphs of the American labor movement. On this day we reflect on the core of our power – our unity. By becoming a member of Santa Rosa EA, you are unifying not only with your fellow members in Santa Rosa CSD, you are likewise unifying with over 140,000 educators affiliated with the Florida Education Association and with over 4 million members in the NEA and AFT. Together, we use our sheer numbers and access to professional staff and programs to influence legislation, bargain better contracts, and preserve the rights of public education employees across Florida and the USA. With Santa Rosa EA, you are never alone.

Each week, we are getting closer to our goal of petitioning the State for an election so that employees will be able to choose which organization will bargain for them in the near future. Please complete the Showing of Interest card (please fill out the correct form – the top is for teachers and the bottom for education staff professionals), and send it one of two ways:

  1. Mail to Santa Rosa Education Association, P.O. Box 723, Milton, FL 32570
  2. Email us at [email protected] to arrange for your card to be picked up at your worksite

Local News

Fact of the Week
According to SRPE, its Bargaining team will be meeting in September. Why they didn’t start meeting with the District in July as they indicated earlier this year is unknown. Here’s what is known, though:

2016-17 Bargaining Status
Annual Contract Renewal Language?
2015-16 Average Salary
Affiliated with FEA/NEA/AFT?
At the table
At the table
Santa Rosa
Hasn’t begun

Santa Rosa teachers were once one of the highest paid and best benefited districts for teachers in northwest Florida, but evidently times have changed. Perhaps it’s time for a change in who bargains for you?

(source: http://www.fldoe.org/accountability/data-sys/edu-info-accountability-services/pk-12-public-school-data-pubs-reports/staff.stml)


Attention New Teachers! We have a professional development opportunity for YOU!
Santa Rosa EA is offering another opportunity for new teachers to learn strategies for building a successful classroom for all students. Research-based practices will be shared and questions are encouraged! Please join us for “Cultivating a Culture of Success in Your Classroom” Tuesday, September 13th at Avalon Middle from 4-6 pm.

State News

Judge blasts state, local schools in retention case

Last week, a judge sharply criticized state and Central Florida school leaders for failing to follow the law when they barred from fourth grade some youngsters who’d refused to answer questions on Florida’s required third-grade reading test. Their conduct caused “injury which will continue as long as the children are not in the appropriate grade in the appropriate school,” wrote Circuit Court Judge Karen Gievers of Leon County. “Grade 3 students with no reading deficiency should not be retained, but should be promoted.” The lawsuit challenged sections of Florida’s third-grade retention law. Gievers stopped short of ordering any of the school districts to immediately promote students to fourth grade. Cindy Hamilton, one of the founders of the Opt Out Florida Network, which helped raise money for the lawsuit, said in an email that the group was “celebrating substantial victories” with Gievers’ order. The group is opposed to how the state uses high-stakes standardized tests to make key education decisions, such as whether students are promoted or granted a diploma. “While this fight is not over, today was a good day for Florida’s students,” Hamilton wrote.

National News

The Lasting Impact of Mispronouncing Students’ Names

Pronouncing students’ names incorrectly is a slight that can isolate students and affect learning. A new campaign is raising awareness of this often-neglected issue.

What’s the Purpose of Education? Public Doesn’t Agree on the Answer

Academic achievement vs. career prep vs. citizenship. A new survey reveals that public consensus is elusive, but local schools continue to get top grades.

Don’t forget: The big picture matters.