Santa Rosa Education Association By-Laws for download (PDF, 95K)
I-1 The President shall:
- Preside at all meetings of the Association, the Site Leader Council and the Executive Board
- Appoint or remove committee chairpersons subject to the approval of the Executive Board; appoint or remove all other committee members with the advice of the respective chairperson and the approval of the Executive Committee; appoint or remove a parliamentarian for the Association with the approval of the Executive Committee
- Serve as ex-officio member of all committees
- Appoint representatives to conferences, trainings, institutes and other meetings, except as provided elsewhere in the Constitution and By-Laws.
- In cooperation with the Service Unit Director(s), represent the Association before the public either personally or through delegates
- Call special meetings of the Executive Committee, Site Leader Council or active members when necessary
- Approve all local expenditures under $100.00, except previously budgeted items and sign all check vouchers with the Treasurer or Vice President
- Perform all other functions usually attributed to this office, not in conflict with the Charter, Constitution and By-Laws of the Association
- Encourage potential Association leaders to attend relevant training sessions and run for Association office
- Serve as a delegate to all FEA, NEA and AFT Conventions/Assemblies.
I-2 The Vice-President for Certified Employees shall:
- Attend all meetings of the Executive Committee and the Site Leader Council
- Perform such duties and responsibilities as may be assigned by the President
- Serve as the Co-Chairperson with the Vice-President for Education Support Employees for the Membership committee.
- Serve as the Chairperson of the Bargaining Council for Certified Employees should SREA become the Bargaining Agent
- Assume the duties of the President in the absence or incapacity of the President
- Communicate monthly with Site Leaders
- Sign checks in the absence of the Treasurer or President
I-3 The Vice-President for Education Support Employees shall:
- Attend all meetings of the Executive Committee and the Site Leader Council
- Serve as the Chairperson of the Bargaining Council for Education Support Employees should SREA become the Bargaining Agent
- Perform such duties and responsibilities as may be assigned by the President
- Assume the duties of the President in the absence or incapacity of the President and Vice President for Certified Employees
- Serve as the Co-Chairperson with the Vice-President for Certified Employees for the Membership Committee
- Communicate monthly with Site Leaders
- Sign checks in the absence of the Treasurer or President
I-4 The Secretary shall:
- Attend all meetings of the Executive Board and the Site Leader Council
- Keep accurate minutes of all meetings of the Executive Board, Site Leader Council and general membership, which will be submitted to the Santa Rosa EA President within 3 business days of each meeting.
I-5 The Treasurer shall:
- Attend all meetings of the Executive Board and the Site Leader Council
- Work with Staff to ensure the collection, safekeeping and disbursement of all funds of the Association as authorized by the Executive Board
- Work with Staff to keep accurate financial records according to a system approved by the Executive Board
- Work with Staff to provide security for Association assets through appropriate surety bonding provided by the Florida Education Association
- Work with Staff to submit a report and provide copies at each regular meeting of the Executive Board and the Site Leader Council
- Work with Staff to prepare an annual financial statement and make the information available to all officers and representatives of the Association
- Work with Staff to inform the President and Executive Board of the financial condition of the Association
- Work with Staff and President in the preparation of an annual budget to submit budget for approval to the Executive Board and Site Leader Council
- Work with staff and President to assure that appropriate reports are filed with the Internal Revenue Service or the Department of Labor as are required by law.
- Serve as one of three authorized signers of Santa Rosa EA checks.
II-1 The Executive Committee shall:
- Be responsible for the management of the Association, carry out the policies established by the Site Leader Council and General Assembly, report its transactions to the members and suggest policies for consideration by the Site Leader Council
- Approve the appointment or removal of all committee chairpersons and committee members
- Recommend an annual budget to the Site Leader Council
- Approve a system for keeping accurate financial records
- Provide the Treasurer and office staff with proper authorization for the collection, safekeeping and disbursement of all Association funds according to the annual budget enacted by the Site Leader Council
- Certify all petition signatures
- Develop workshops and training conferences with the Service Unit Director for elected and appointed Site Leaders
- Study changes to the Constitution and By-Laws that have been proposed in accordance with the Constitution
- Report its transactions to the membership
- Prepare and announce at the first Site Leader Council of each school year a yearlong calendar of all regular meetings of the Executive Board and Site Leader Council
- Have such other powers and duties as the Constitution and By-Laws may provide
- Serve as the Grievance Committee.
II-2 The Executive Committee may:
- Recommend action to the general membership or the Site Leader Council or the committees of the Association
- Call special meetings of the general membership or Site Leader Council
- Employ staff for the efficient management of the Association and/or enter into agreements with the state and national affiliate to the same end
- Request regular monthly reports from all committees
- According to procedures adopted by the Site Leader Council, suspend from membership any member who shall have violated Florida Code of Ethics of the education profession and reinstate an individual who has been suspended or expelled from membership
- Make rulings on membership eligibility
- By a two-thirds vote, recommend to the Site Leader Council that an Officer, or Site Leader has been grossly negligent of duties and that the position should be declared vacant.
III. Duties of the Site Leader Council shall:
- Represent the members of their school or department at all meetings of the Representative Council
- Keep members within their school or department informed about pertinent matters
- Conduct the election of Site Leader(s) within their school or department, or site
- Conduct the membership drive in their school or department
- Perform such other duties as may be assigned by the President or the Executive Committee.
IV-1 Formation
- There shall be six standing committees established according to current By-Laws. This will consist of Membership, Community Connections, Grievance, Elections, Bargaining and Governmental Relations (Grass Roots Education Advocacy Team).
- The President shall have the power to establish and appoint the members of ad-hoc committees with the approval of the Executive Committee.
- The President shall see that all committees include an appropriate balance with regard to such factors as sex, race, teaching level and age. The ethnic-minority membership of all committees shall reflect the approximate percentage of ethnic-minority membership in the Association as a whole.
- The terms of committee members shall be the same as the President who appointed them, except as they may be provided by the current By-Laws.
- Committees shall have at least three members.
- Committees may recommend that the President appoint subcommittees as needed. The Chairperson may appoint subcommittees consisting of members of the committee.
IV-2 Meetings
Committees shall meet as frequently as necessary to perform their duties. The President, Chairperson or a majority of the committee members may call special meetings.
IV-3 Records and Reports
- Each committee shall choose a secretary who shall maintain a continuing record of activities for reporting to the Executive Board
- Committees shall report to the President, the Executive Committee, and Site Leader Council monthly or as necessary
- A report of all committee activities shall be included with the Executive Committee minutes each month
- A proposed plan of the year’s activities and budget requests should be presented to the Executive Committee by each committee chairperson during the budgeting process
- Committees wishing to make awards must submit recommendations to the Executive Board.
IV-4 Titles and Charges
Each committee shall perform the functions specified in these By-Laws and such additional functions consistent with their overall purpose as may be determined by the President or Executive Committee.
- The Membership Committee shall:
- Plan and coordinate efforts to secure 100% membership
- Work with the Executive Committee to develop and conduct programs for orientation of new teachers to the Association
- Provide services to members as appointed by the Executive Committee
- Organize such social affairs as needed by members.
- The Community Connections shall:
- Develop and implement programs and procedures by which the public will gain knowledge and understanding of the Association and its philosophy, programs and policies
- Organize and implement procedures by which active members of the Association can be kept informed regarding Association activities and other items of general interest to teachers
- Work with appropriate staff to maintain and keep current an Association website.
C. The Collective Bargaining Committee shall:
- Survey Bargaining Unit and compile data of teacher needs.
- Formulate proposals for a Master Contract.
- Assist the bargaining team in negotiating a contract.
- Recommend proposals to improve and strengthen teacher rights in the Master Contract.
D. The Grievance Committee shall:
- Advise and represent teachers in protecting their rights under the Master Contract and the laws of the State of Florida.
- Represent teachers and the Association in the processing of grievances defined in the Master contract with the School Board.
E. Elections Committee Shall:
- Shall have the primary responsibility of conducting the annual election of Officers in accordance with procedures established in these By-Laws and any additional rules and regulations consistent herewith the committee may deem necessary and proper
- The Elections Committee shall consist of not less than three (3) members and not more than five (5) members.
V-1 Procedure for Nominating Candidates
- The membership will nominate at least one candidate for every position and make every effort to nominate more than one for each position
- Candidates for Officer may have their name placed in nomination by presenting their names in writing to the Association Office by the advertised date.
V-3 Elections Procedures
- The election of Officers shall be by secret ballot of the active membership
- Primary and run-off elections shall be held in the schools and work sites unless otherwise determined by the Site Leader Council
- The primary election shall be held as early as possible during the month of May, and the run-off election if necessary, shall be held before the end of May.
- Whenever possible and reasonable, as determined by the Executive Committee, vacancies in positions of Officer shall be filled using the method outlined in By-Law V-3.
- When it is not possible and reasonable to use the regular procedure for filling vacancies, the President shall appoint persons to fill the vacancies with the advice and consent of the Executive Committee. Appointees shall have all qualifications for office as established in the Constitution. Appointees may run for re-election to the office for two consecutive terms.
Unless otherwise provided by the Articles of Incorporation of this corporation, by its By-Laws or by duly enacted rules of procedures, the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order shall be the authority on all questions of procedure.
VIII Financial Procedures
The Executive Committee shall develop rules governing the processing of funds. Such rules shall exclude the use of an ATM/debit card the accessing of operating funds and to require at least 2 signers on all checks.
Adopted by vote of the general membership, December 11, 2017